Monroe County is advising residents to, “Be Aware. Be Prepared. Be There.”
Be Aware: • A total Solar Eclipse will happen on Monday, April 8, 2024, when the moon will completely block out the sun, causing darkness during the day. • Eclipse Timing: 2:07 to 4:33 p.m. • Totality / Darkness Timing: 3:20 to 3:24 p.m. (3 minutes and 38 seconds) • What will happen during totality: o Deep dusk in the sky o The temperature may fall by as much as 10 degrees o Animals and plants may behave as if it’s nighttime o It will feel eerily still with a sense of wonder and awe o It will still get dark even if it’s a cloudy day • This is an historic event that can only be seen from a few places on Earth and Rochester is one of them this year. The next total solar eclipse for Rochester won’t occur for another 120 years, on October 26, 2144. • 300,000 to 500,000 visitors are expected to come to our region with about 150,000 of those in Monroe County. Many will arrive on Saturday, April 6 and stay through Tuesday.
Be Prepared • Protect Your Eyes: o Always use ISO-Certified 12312-2:2015 eclipse glasses when looking directly into the Sun during the duration of the eclipse. o Sunglasses don’t provide enough protection and you could damage your eyes. o The general recommendation is to have 2 pairs of eclipse glasses per family. It’s okay to share eclipse glasses if you won’t be looking at the Sun the entire time. o Make sure children don’t look directly at the sun by mistake. • Plan for Traffic: o Be prepared for traffic gridlock. o Consider walking or biking to your destination to avoid traffic congestion. o Be patient and allow extra time when driving to work, events and appointments. o Traffic is expected to be the heaviest right after totality ends. o Some streets or bridges may be closed for pedestrian viewing. o Consider using 511NY Apps (Apple and Android) to view current travel conditions. o If you plan to be driving during eclipse please remember to: Arrive early and plan to stay late at your destination. Avoid stopping on roadways to view the eclipse. Use headlights when driving. Fill your gas tank ahead of the eclipse. Have water, medications, food and appropriate clothing (boots, hats, blankets) in your vehicle. • Medical Preparations: o Refill prescriptions in advance. o Avoid scheduling non-emergent medical appointments in the afternoon. o If you have a medical condition that may require immediate access to medical assistance, consider staying closer to hospitals or urgent care facilities. • Not a Typical Day: o Local schools will be closed. o Work from home if you can. o Some businesses will be closed, work remotely or flex their hours. o Try to not schedule routine deliveries or appointments for this day. o Restaurants and stores may be crowded with visitors. o Cell service could be slow.